Monday, January 26, 2015

What does “Integrating Technology into Teaching and Learning” mean to you?

For myself, I would like to be able to incorporate the smart board into my speech sessions.  There is a Quia site that has a lot of great speech activities on it.  I have observed children in classroom settings engaged in learning through the use of the smart boards.  When I work 1-on-1 with a student, it is easy to just use the laptop; however, when working with 2 or more students at the laptop it becomes difficult for everyone to see clearly.

I also would love for the Unit that I work for to have a Cloud storage where individuals with in a study (Speech-Language, Early Childhood Special Ed, Physical Therapy, etc.) can put up posts so that we are not all trying to reinvent the wheel.  Many of the materials that we (Speech-Language & ECSE) use we create from scratch.  I have found several great ideas on Pinterest; however, some are just a picture of what they made and you have to try and recreate it.  

What is your opinion about allowing students to use cell phones in school?

My first concern has to do with cheating.  How does a teacher control the texting answers?  Having been out of classroom teaching for 10 years, I would have a real concern with this issue at the upper levels.  When I taught in a classroom environment, it was first grade.  Even today, students in fourth through sixth grade still do a lot of paper-pencil tests.  

My second concern would be the noise distraction of vibrating phones.  The majority of the students that I see are Pre-School through 2nd Grade; however, most of the older students that I see are on IEP’s and are also seen by Special Ed.  Many of these main streamed students would have distractibility issues.

I also understand the potential for students to access information with them, but how does a school regulate their usage?