Monday, January 26, 2015

What is your opinion about allowing students to use cell phones in school?

My first concern has to do with cheating.  How does a teacher control the texting answers?  Having been out of classroom teaching for 10 years, I would have a real concern with this issue at the upper levels.  When I taught in a classroom environment, it was first grade.  Even today, students in fourth through sixth grade still do a lot of paper-pencil tests.  

My second concern would be the noise distraction of vibrating phones.  The majority of the students that I see are Pre-School through 2nd Grade; however, most of the older students that I see are on IEP’s and are also seen by Special Ed.  Many of these main streamed students would have distractibility issues.

I also understand the potential for students to access information with them, but how does a school regulate their usage?

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