Sunday, March 1, 2015

21st Century Learners (A16)

As educators (elementary, high school, college), we try to prepare our students to become productive adult members of society.  Part of that preparation includes the responsible use of technology.  In order for students to be 21st century learners, teachers must first be willing to become 21st century learners.  Meaning, teachers must be willing learn new technology.   It is easy for a teacher to operate in their comfort zone, but being a teacher means that you are constantly learning.   About twenty years ago, the internet was very new.  Now, it is almost impossible to function as an educator without it.  Technology is always changing (new apps, devices, tools, programs, etc).  Educators need to be willing to learn, adapt, and share their knowledge that with their students.  When teachers are able to incorporate new technology in their lessons and provide a safe "sandbox" for their students to demonstrate their ability to use it and create a project with it, they will move towards becoming 21st century educators.  We are not teaching our students for today; we are preparing our students for their tomorrows.

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